What is the right temperature for tea brewing?
The water temperature depends on the type of tea. Black teas and tisanes should be brewed at 210°F, green and yellow teas – at 160-180°F, white tea...
What is the right water for brewing tea?
The best water for brewing tea is mountain spring water. As an alternative you can use soft or purified water. Hard water may leave a film of oil f...
What is tisane?
Tisane is an infusion that contains various parts of herbs and plants. This might be leaves, flowers, roots, stems, bark, and seeds. Tisanes are po...
What is the difference between caffeine in tea and coffee?
Although the caffeine that occurs in tea is the same as the molecule in coffee, it has remarkably different effects. When you drink a cup of coffee...
What is the difference between pu-erh tea and other types of tea?
Pu-erh is the only type of tea that goes through the fermentation process. Hence, it’s the only tea that can be considered as fermented. All other ...
What is the difference between black and green tea?
Both black and green teas are produced from the same tea plant, Camellia sinensis, but the difference is in the processing method. Green tea is uno...
How many types of tea are there and what is the difference between them?
There are six types of tea: black, green, white, yellow, oolong, and dark. All these teas are produced from the same evergreen tea shrub, Camellia ...
What is the difference between oxidation and fermentation?
Oxidation is a natural phenomenon that causes any harvested plant to fade and oxidize. Reacting with the oxygen in the air the pigments of tea leav...
What is the difference between tisane and herbal tea?
Herbal tea is a popular name of tisane. But because herbal teas don't contain the leaves of the tea plant, Camellia sinensis, they can't be called ...
What type of tea can substitute coffee?
Black tea and black (or cooked) pu-erh can be a great substitute for coffee, as they have higher content of caffeine than other types of tea.
What is tea?
Tea is an infusion of leaves of the tea plant, Camelia sinensis. It’s an evergreen shrub originating from Yunnan province, China.
White Tea
White tea is a slightly oxidized tea (less than 8 percent). The leaves used for white tea are harvested by hand in early spring and consist of eith...
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